
Concept Fund: Bringing Established Businesses and Concepts to Life in Sioux Falls

Shape the Future of Sioux Falls with bringing concepts and businesses our city needs.

The Concept Fund is all about bringing the dreams and concepts you desire to Sioux Falls. Whether it's a new business idea or a concept the community is passionate about, your crowd-sourced donations will be used to lobby and bring these businesses to our city.

Key Features:



Crowdsource funds for the concepts and businesses that the community wants to see in Sioux Falls.


Diverse Offerings

Support a variety of concepts that reflect the rich diversity and interests of Sioux Falls residents.


Lobbying Power

Your donation contributes to the efforts to bring new and desired businesses to our community.

Your Contribution, Your City

The Concept Fund is a platform for every voice to be heard. Your donation empowers the community to shape Sioux Falls in line with its aspirations and desires.

Why Invest Sioux Falls?

Local Impact

Your funds stay within Sioux Falls, directly benefiting the growth and development of our community.


We are committed to transparency, providing regular updates on the impact of your investment.

Community Collaboration

Join hands with a community of investors working together to shape Sioux Falls' future.